29 March 2010
24 March 2010
I am Completely I Love
I am completely in love with my insane dog. Not in any strage or really annoying way (though I may talk about her a little too much sometimes), but I am in love with her. She has the biggest personality I have ever seen (and that's including humans, too.)

Anyway, here are some pictures of this insane dog

Even though she is insane, she is insanely cute also.
... I have pictures of my first kniting project. I finished it a few weeks ago, but had to hold off on the pictures because I had no camera to take them. Well, I finally snagged a friend's camera, an voila! we have pics.

What Do you think? I am proud of it. If you want to let me know, there is a poll you can take! Completely anyonomus, but I promise I wouldn't hold it against you anyway!
Let's Talk About Weight

This post is a knd-of How-To. Today I was watching the Rachel Ray show, (which, if you've read my 1st post, you might remember I said I love the show) and they were talking about weight, and tips on how to loose it. Rachel had Dr. Ian Smith (Celebrity Fit Club, The 4 Day Diet), who talked about his tips on how to loose weight, with the help of Celebrity Fit Club (CFC for short) contestent Jay McCarroll. You may remember Jay from the first season of Project Runway (he won!). He is currently on CFC, and although he could not say how much he lost, he looks good. Anyway, the tips Dr. Ian Smith gave were great, but they weren't really for loosing weight, more for everyday lifestyle. They so good that I paused the T.V. to grab my notebook and write them down.

And, I decided to share them with you because I know that you probably would like to loose weight (don't be scared to admit it, almost everyone does!) and because I love you THAT much.
So here they are:
*If your mind is in it, then your body will follow. You have to have the right mind set when it comes to weight loss, or really any lifestyle change. If you don't, you will not see the results you want.
*Portion Control. One main problem most people have is that their portions are too big. The Portion Rule: leave atleast 1" around the plate and don't let your food go higher than 1 1/2". OR use a salad plate instead of a entree plate. (they are naturally smaller, so you don't have to look funny measuring you food!)
*Good Ol' H2O. Dr. Ian gave us some insight into how the stomach works. When you eat, the stomach stretches, and when it has stretched to the max, it sends your brain a message saying 'I'm Full.' The Tip: Drink a glass of water before you eat, have your meal (using the portion control methods), and then have another glass of water. That way you are stretching your stomach for fewer calories!
*Colour Variety. Dr. Ian broke food down into colour, saying that you should eat more of the Rainbow (orange, red, blue, green), that give you essential vitamans and minerals and the Browns (wheat bread, brown rice, wheat noodles, sweet potatoes) that give you the multi- and whole grains. You should eat less of the Whites (white bread, white rice, noodles, and potatoes) that are made with enriched flour, and have less fiber and more calories.

And Finally:
*Change your diet every 3 to 4 days (like your workouts) that way you won't have Food Boredom and you burn more calories because your body never gets adjusted to eating the same foods.
I think that these are pretty good tips and because I am trying to loose that weight for summer, I will def try them!
And I must say, the best thing about these weight loss tips was the home-made pizza I was eating while watching!!

23 March 2010
Spell with your furniture
I was bored and on the computer, so I started looking for something to play. My game of chioce- Scrabble, the word game. while searching for a good spelling space that was also free, I came across these pillows. I thought they were innovative, but very humorous, and thus, I had to blog about it. 

I personally love the 'Me & U' but, alas, I'm not sure if it is enticing enough to use in my own home.
You use them for eating, but....
what else can they be used for? Confused? Asking yourself just what the heck am I talking about? Plates, of course. I recently came across a few pictures of plates that were used for decorating and I thought "What a good idea!" I know it's not anything new, but, let's face it, plates are putting themselves back on the wall. Not only that, they are turning themselves into clocks, and serving the mail!

Think you'll try it?
02 March 2010
The First Post - New Knitter, New Blogger

Hello to anyone out there reading this blog. I'll start out to say, this is my first bog, ever. So, any advice is helpful and welcome. I'm not sure what the outcome of this blog will be, but I hope it will be a good one. (a bit cheesy perhaps? o well!)
I recently started to knit, as in two weeks ago. After I finished my first project, I was looking for patterns to begin a new project. I noticed most patterns came off of 'craftblogs.' Thats when it struck me to possibly start a 'craft blog' of my own. I let it fester for a few days, until I finally convinced myself, and here we are. Or, at least, here I am.
In my head, this blog was going to be a knitting blog, since that is what I am newly obssesed with (not kidding, every spare minute in front of the t.v., I am knitting), but, as the weeks went on, and I kept looking at the various 'craft blogs,' i started to realize that my blog should be about being creative, not just in knitting, but in every way. So, that is what it has, and is, growing into. Anything Creative- Food, Interior design, Music, Art, Travel, Movies, and Crafts. Mostly DIY (so I can try it ;), some fashion, and non-DIY art that I think is fabulous. But why not go a step further, and add in How-to's I come across and feel that urge to tell someone?
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