Hello to anyone out there reading this blog. I'll start out to say, this is my first bog, ever. So, any advice is helpful and welcome. I'm not sure what the outcome of this blog will be, but I hope it will be a good one. (a bit cheesy perhaps? o well!)
I recently started to knit, as in two weeks ago. After I finished my first project, I was looking for patterns to begin a new project. I noticed most patterns came off of 'craftblogs.' Thats when it struck me to possibly start a 'craft blog' of my own. I let it fester for a few days, until I finally convinced myself, and here we are. Or, at least, here I am.
In my head, this blog was going to be a knitting blog, since that is what I am newly obssesed with (not kidding, every spare minute in front of the t.v., I am knitting), but, as the weeks went on, and I kept looking at the various 'craft blogs,' i started to realize that my blog should be about being creative, not just in knitting, but in every way. So, that is what it has, and is, growing into. Anything Creative- Food, Interior design, Music, Art, Travel, Movies, and Crafts. Mostly DIY (so I can try it ;), some fashion, and non-DIY art that I think is fabulous. But why not go a step further, and add in How-to's I come across and feel that urge to tell someone?
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